Monday, December 17, 2018

The Five Second Rule

She:  I remember when I moved to Austin, I looked for a dance studio to attend.  I tried the local salsa studio, and you were the first person to talk to me when I came in.

me:  Well, yeah. Have you ever heard of the Five Second Rule?

She:  Sure.  That rule states that if you drop food on the floor, you have five seconds to pick it up, or else it gets cooties on it.

me:   Correct.  That's one of them.  Another one states that when you see someone for the first time, and your head jerks around for a better look, you have five seconds to go talk to them.  No hesitation, no self-doubt, on what ifs.  Just go.  If you hesitate, if fear, uncertainty and doubt overwhelm you, you can be sure you're a pathetic loser.

She:  And?

me:   And so, when I first saw you enter the studio, I said to myself:

         "One one-thousand..."